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Meter Maids Eat Their Young
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At the turn of the 19th century, Lord Elgin stole pieces of the Parthenon and shipped them to England.
At the turn of the 21st century, Danny Samsel is going to steal them back.

I am so pleased that I took this book to review. It was the breath of fresh air that I needed to get my interest in reading back up to where it should be after a dry spell. I was hooked after the first page, and didn’t pull my nose out until the last word. – Teagan S. Boyd for BookWenches.

The author describes in detail the beauty and splendour and culture that had the barely suppressed gypsy in me itching to travel. Although I have never been to most of the places he so lovingly describes, he paints vivid and vibrant mind-pictures that brought memories of long-forgotten happy places flooding back. It is obvious that the author has visited and loved the places he describes so very well. – Jacki Janse van Rensburg for Women24.

What really makes Stealing the Marbles the anti-thriller is that it has a soul. It keeps you guessing, makes you root for the “bad guy”, and gives you some fun characters with solid voices, but the real reason you’ll like Stealing the Marbles is because of its heart and its soul. – Jarika Johnson for Will Write For Love.
