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Read A New Author Month

Promotion is the name of the game, especially if you’re an author. More so if you’re a new author. I came across this on BackSpace the other day and decided to post it here. BackSpace, btw, is a writers forum that every serious writer should consider being a part of. It is just the BEST writers forum on the Internet.

Anyway, to continue. I’ll let the author of the site, RANAM, explain what it’s all about:

‘Read A New Author Month’ is a new literary event, intended to celebrate the work of first-time published authors of fiction – both novels and short stories.

If you’re a writer whose first book will be available for people to buy during April 2006, we’d love to hear from you. Ditto, if you’re a publisher with a whole host of new books you’d like to be included.

If you’re a reader and you’d like to recommend a book, the same goes. We’d also like to hear from people who would be prepared to write reviews of books by new authors.

This is a temporary holding site – the official RANAM website will launch in the new year. It will include bulletin boards, and information on all the participating books.

More news be coming soon.

This is a great idea so if you know of a book by a new author coming out in April, send this guy an email. And while you’re at it, you might mention how good of an idea you think a site like this is. Maybe he’ll get the site launched.

Another little promotional idea I ran across is the website of Debra Hamil, courtesy of Melanie Lynne Hauser author of Confessions Of Super Mom and Super Mom Saves The World, the latter to be released in Feb. 2007

Debra has a thing going called “Buy A Friend A Book” week. An excellent idea and your friends will love you for it. Check it out.


1 thought on “Read A New Author Month”

  1. Thanks very much for the mention of BAFAB! It’s good to get the word out. The next one’s coming up the first week of April, so maybe people can Read a New Author for BAFAB.

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