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Quiet To Be In Print

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I’ve just recently learned that the folks over at Staticmovement thought well enough of my short story Quiet that they have included it in their first ever print anthology. I’m honored. I’ve never had a short story printed before so I’m quite looking forward to this. Steel Moon, a micro-publisher, is putting it together. Their site is worth a look, btw. An interesting concept, this micro-publishing business, something which I’ll have to look at in greater depth. There is a works-under-way section to Steel Moon’s site where you can get further information on the up-coming publication of the Static Movement Online Anthology Series.

I will, of course, be putting up a link to where you can buy this anthology once it rolls off the presses. You are going to buy it, right? I mean, you really wouldn’t want me to say something nasty about you in this blog, would you? Well would you?


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