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Reject! Unbelievable Plot

Dear Mr. EJ

Thank you for the submission of your manuscript. Though the work is skillfully crafted and the writing superb, I fear I must pass. Were this a work of Science Fiction, which I do not represent, it’s possible you could find a market but, as mainstream fiction, I fear it hasn’t a chance. The characters and plot line are simply implausible.

A presidential candidate, a former prisoner of war, who advocates war and torture? A female running mate with scant political experience, who’s proud to be a hockey-mom and has a husband who refers to himself as first dude? These characters are so unrealistic as to be absurd.

Further, although the economical structure of any country is complicated and in constant flux and, to be sure, there is a great deal of greed involved, the level to which your novel portrays the financial situation is, well, to be honest, it’s simply beyond believability. A housing market in disarray, CEOs of failed companies being given millions in bonuses, major financial institutions failing, a 750 billion dollar bailout from the government that will only enhance the rich and leave the taxpayer with nothing? No one would believe such a scenario.

You are obviously a talented writer but your imagination may have gotten away from you on this one.

Please do keep me in mind for your next endeavor.


Big Time Agent


2 thoughts on “Reject! Unbelievable Plot”

  1. LOL Aparently this Big Time Agent needs a reality check…’it’s simply beyond believability. A housing market in disarray, CEOs of failed companies being given millions in bonuses, major financial institutions failing, a 750 billion dollar bailout from the government that will only enhance the rich and leave the taxpayer with nothing? No one would believe such a scenario.’

    And yet, we live it every day….

    ‘You are obviously a talented writer but your imagination may have gotten away from you on this one. ‘ What rock are they living under?

    ‘Please do keep me in mind for your next endeavor.’

    Uh huh… sure….

    Hope things are going well for you though.


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